Moving Cycling Forward


Brussels – May 17, 2016

The EPRS – European Parliamentary Research Service – has published ‘Moving Cycling Forward – A coordinated approach to cycling for local and regional authorities in the EU’: the analysis presents an overview of the current state of cycling mobility in the European Union and of the benefits deriving from cycling as a means of transport. It examines the challenges linked to making cycling a regular transport mode and looks at what is being done across the EU to address the problems identified. After discussing recent EU developments, the analysis concludes that:
For reasons of subsidiarity, the main responsibility for delivering cycling policy is at national and local level. However, the EU could help strengthen these efforts by means of a strategic document which covers all the areas that impact on cycling in one text. In combination with appropriate funding, this could send a strong signal to all levels of administration that cycling is taken seriously as a means of transport which reduces urban congestion and pollution, while making people healthier. A cycling policy should effectively address the challenges outlined and provide an overall alternative mobility framework. Based on solid data, it requires a combination of promotional measures (infrastructure, counselling, campaigning) and car transport mitigating measures”. The study is available here.

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