Manifestation against Market Economy Status to China


Brussels – February 15, 2016

On February 15th, a manifestation  against  Market Economy  to  China  –  MES  –  took place  in  Brussels  thanks  to  the organisation  by  EUROFER  –  the European  Steel  Industry association.  CONEBI  and  EBMA  representing  the  EU  Bicycle Industry  –  attended  the manifestation  together  with  the representatives  of  other  EU Industry  sectors  such  as  the Ceramics, Aluminium, Solar Panels, Ferro­Alloy, Glass Fibre and many more. At  the  moment  China  is  not  a Market  Economy  because  it does not fulfill the EU’s five technical criteria in order to be recognised as such. Any unilateral decision by the EU to grant MES to China would be irreversible and detrimental for the EU manufacturing base.

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