Indian Industry Delegation visits CONEBI


December 3rd, 2018 Brussels – Last week CONEBI welcomed a delegation of representatives from the Indian Bicycle Industry, including the All India Cycle Manufacturers Association (AICMA), the United Cycle & Parts Manufacturers Association, and the Research and Development Centre for Bicycle and Sewing Machine in Ludhiana. The meeting was part of a European tour organized by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO).

AICMA has recently joined the World Bicycle Industry Association (WBIA) this year. The Indian Industry delegation endorsed CONEBI’s and WBIA’s work and praised the EU for being an important benchmark of inspiring initiatives and regulations that facilitate the sector’s development. Dr. Thakur, the Secretary General of AICMA, gave a very interesting and comprehensive presentation, providing CONEBI with important facts about the Cycling Industry in India: the Country comes 13th in the global usage levels, with 90 bicycle owners per 1000 people.

After the meeting at the CONEBI premises, the delegation visited the European Parliament and attended the Transport and Tourism Committee meeting. A valuable exchange of ideas took place with the former Chair Michael Cramer. The delegation then continued their European tour in Portugal and Germany.

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