Join CONEBI at EUROBIKE 2024 in Messe Frankfurt from 3-7 July. We have partnered with cycling industry associations Zweirad-Industrie Verband (ZIV), Cycling Industries Europe (CIE), Zukunft Fahrrad (ZF), and Verbund Service und Fahrrad (VSF) to organise keynote speakers, fireside chats and panel discussions addressing the cycling industry in the European and global political landscape. Find below the programme of events.
We will have a ZIV-CONEBI booth at J07, Hall 8. Please feel free to visit us.
EUROBIKE Industry Talk (Keynotes)
When: Wednesday, 3 July 2024
Time: 10:00 – 11:00
Where: Yellow Stage (Main Stage), Hall 8, Messe Frankfurt
EUROBIKE will talk to experts about current challenges and the prospects for the bicycle and ecomobility industry. CONEBI will be among the speakers and will also present an overview of the European bicycle industry and market developments.
Registration is required to attend.
More information and registration here.
Organised by: EUROBIKE
Global Insights: Setting the agenda on global leadership (Panel discussion)
When: Wednesday, 3 July 2024
Time: 11:30 – 12:00
Where: Yellow Stage (Main Stage), Hall 8, Messe Frankfurt
Location: Click here
National and international cycling associations will give an overview of the common issues and potential in the sector today. The panels will include leading companies and experts from all sectors of the globe to share their perspectives.
The entire bicycle ecosystem is to be considered by asking international industry associations for their perspectives. It is about shaping the Asian, American and European bicycle market and how the transformative currents are influencing the global market. At the same time, it’s about transformation based on innovation and disruption: What’s next for established brands in the market? New accents for more innovative power in the industry – but how?
- Tony Grimaldi – Cycling Industries Europe (CIE), President
- Massimo Panzeri – CONEBI, President
- Jack Lin – Taiwan Bicycle Association, Board Member, CEO Armor
- Larry Pizzi – People for Bikes, Chair of the e-bike committee, Alta Cycling Group
- Florian Baur – JobRad, Managing Director
- Emma Zwiebler – World Federation of the Sporting Goods Industry (WFSGI), Chief Executive Officer
More information here.
Organised by: CIE, CONEBI, ZIV, ZF and VSF
European Commission’s report on the EU mobility industrial transition: What is its impact on the cycling industry? (Keynote and panel discussion)
When: Wednesday, 3 July 2024
Time: 12:00 – 12:40
Where: Yellow Stage (Main Stage), Hall 8, Messe Frankfurt
Location: Click here
During this session, CONEBI will introduce the Mobility Transition Pathway (MTP) and its impact on the cycling industry. Developed by the European Commission, the MTP is a comprehensive plan consisting of specific actions and measures aimed at supporting companies’ digital and green transition and the long-term resilience and competitiveness of the cycling industrial ecosystem in Europe.
Following CONEBI’s presentation, we will moderate a short panel discussion with representatives from the EU Institutions and cycling companies. They will discuss the impact of the MTP, its implementation and the so-called “pledge phase”. The pledges will support the monitoring and assessment of the progress made by companies and associations and will represent a tool for recognising areas or initiatives that could benefit from EU-level support.
- Giuseppe Marotta – European Commission, DG GROW I2, Policy Officer
- Sylvain Lemenand – Decathlon, Component Procurement Leader for Bikes
- Sérgio Ribeiro – ABIMOTA, Project Developer (CONEBI Portugese Member)
- Jacques Lovell – Cycling Industries Europe (CIE), Industry Manager
- Manuel Marsilio – CONEBI, General Manager
More information here.
Organised by: CONEBI and ZIV
The impact of the EU Batteries Regulation on the Cycling Industry (Keynote and panel discussion)
When: Wednesday, 3 July 2024
Time: 12:40 – 13:10
Where: Yellow Stage (Main Stage), Hall 8, Messe Frankfurt
Location: Click here
During this session, Daniela Leveratto, CONEBI’s Technical Director, will give a brief introduction about the EU’s Batteries Regulation.
Following Daniela’s presentation, she will moderate a short panel discussion with ZIV (CONEBI’s German Member) and two key industry representatives. During the discussion, the technical aspects and impact of the new Batteries regulation on the industry and products will be addressed. Additionally, the discussion will explore ways in which the industry can collaborate.
- Friederike Pischnick – Bosch, Senior Manager, Political Affairs and Government Relations
- Christopher Fietzek – Panasonic Industry Europe GmbH, Sales Engineering Manager
- Tim Salatzki – ZIV (CONEBI German member), Chief Technology Officer
- Daniela Leveratto – CONEBI, Technical Director
More information here.
Organised by: CONEBI and ZIV
East Meets West: Connecting for New Frontiers in Global Cycling Innovation (Networking)
When: Wednesday, 3 July 2024
Time: 13:00 – 14:00
Where: Networking Zone by the Yellow Stage, Hall 8, Messe Frankfurt
Location: Click here
CONEBI will deliver a welcome address at the ‘’East Meets West’’ event, which gathers experts from the East and West for networking and lightning talks, with the aim of fostering transformative and constructive dialogue within the global cycling industry.
Registration is required to attend.
More information and registration here.
Partnership: EUROBIKE, Anchor Asia and CONEBI
What is needed to take sustainability of the cycling industry to another level? (Fireside chats and panel discussion)
When: Wednesday, 3 July 2024
Time: 14:00 – 15:45
Where: Pink Stage, Hall 8, Messe Frankfurt
Location: Click here
Fireside chats with external experts followed by a big debate with industry leaders on key sustainability topics needed to make the transition happen and how to align goals globally.
Moderation of fireside chats: Jan-Willem Van Schaik, Bike Europe, Editor-in-chief
Fireside chat 1: LCA for the cycling industry: Is PEF the future and what does it mean for the cycling industry? – Alicia Boyano Larriba – European Commission, DG ENV
Fireside chat 2: Closing the loop: What is needed to make circularity happen?
Fireside chat 3: Diversity makes successful business – where are we in the cycling industry? – Sara Canali – SHER, CEO and Founder, (Women cycling clothing brand), keynote speaker
Panel: Industry leaders from Decathlon, Selle Royal, Bianchi Bicycles, Herrmans Bike Components Ltd. and reTyre will react to the fireside chats and then engage in a panel discussion.
More information here.
Organised by: CIE, CONEBI and ZIV
You can find the full Eurobike programme here.
For more information, please contact Manuel Marsilio at manuel.marsilio@conebi.eu.
For more information: