CONEBI appointed expert member of the European Commission’s platform on Cooperative, Connected and Autonomous Mobility


In May 2018 the European Commission announced its intention to establish a single EU-wide platform grouping all relevant public and private stakeholders to coordinate open road testing of Connected and Automated Mobility and make the link with pre-deployment activities.

That is why the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport (DG Move) – together with the Directorate-General for Communication Networks and Technology (DG CNECT), Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs (DG Grow) and Directorate-General for Research & Innovation (DG RTD) – has set up a group of experts to provide advice and support to the European Commission in the above mentioned field of Connected, Cooperative and Autonomous Mobility (CCAM).

‘’Having regard to the relevance of the organisation, the demonstrated level of expertise and taking into account the specific tasks of the expert group, we are pleased to inform CONEBI that it has been selected as a member of the CCAM expert platform’’ said the European Commission. CONEBI’s President stated in this regard: ‘’we thank the European Commission for allowing the Bicycle Industry to bring forward its ideas, knowledge and positions in the field of CCAM. It is a great opportunity for the Industry, which confirms the very good work done so far by CONEBI in Brussels and Geneva’’.
Among the associations that have been appointed as expert members, there are:

  • ACEA (European Automobile Manufactures’ Association),
  • CLEPA (European Association of Automotive Suppliers),
  • 5GAA (5G Automotive Association),
  • ERTICO (EU Public-Private partnership on Intelligent Transport Systems),
  • ERTRAC (The European Road Transport Research Advisory Council)
  • ETSC (European Transport Safety Council)
  • POLIS (the network of European cities and regions cooperating for innovative transport solutions)

In practical terms, the work of the expert group will focus on developing an EU agenda for testing and will take into consideration areas like road safety, the future physical and digital road infrastructure, the connectivity technology as well as the access to and exchange of data.
The group’s responsibility is to develop recommendations related to standards and technical specifications, a common safety assessment methodology, traffic rules and vehicle legislation. In the future, the digitisation of infrastructure will require in depth collaboration between public and private sector, such as between road authorities, operators and vehicle supplier while, for the live data, the communication infrastructure will support high-definition maps: CONEBI will participate in these discussions and secure the Bicycle Industry position within the Intelligent Transport Systems’ ecosystem.

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