Leaders’ panel at the Taipei Cycle Show 2016

Taipei – March 3, 2016  On  March  3rd,  CONEBI President  René  Takens represented  the  European  Bicycle Industry  at  the  Leaders’  Panel organized by TAITRA and ECF on the role of advocacy for the Bicycle Industry  at  international  level. BOSCH,  GIANT,  ACCELL,  PON, KMC, Cycling Sport Group and the industry  bodies  CONEBI,  the Taiwanese  TBA  and  the  USA’s association People for Bikes agreed on  the  common  vision  that cooperation between cities and the Industry needs to be strengthened even  more. Among  the  audience, Robbert  de  Kock,  […]

CONEBI pavilion at the Taipei Cycle Show 2016

Taipei – march 2016 More than 30 European companies  joined  the  European pavilion,  organised by  CONEBI  at the Taipei Cycle Show 2016. Since many years the CONEBI pavilion is the  biggest  at  the  Show,  which keeps  on  being  one  of  the  major international “must­-attend”  events for the Bicycle Industry. You can find the list of exhibitors at the section “Joint European Booths” in the homepage.

CONEBI at the United Nations for the high-level conference “Innovations for Sustainable Inland Transport”

Geneva – February 23, 2016  On February 23rd CONEBI was invited by United Nations Economic Commission for Europe to attend the international high-level conference “Innovation for Sustainable Inland Transport” in the framework of the 78th annual session of the UNECE Inland Transport Committee. Manuel Marsilio and Moreno Fioravanti presented to the Transport Ministers the features […]

Consultation on Urban Mobility

Brussels – February 18, 2016 On  February  18th, CONEBI  participated  in  the  public consultation on Urban Mobility. This consultation  initiated  by  the European  Commission  aims  at getting  stakeholders’  input  on  the ‘Ex­-post evaluation of EU financial support  to  sustainable  urban mobility’.  CONEBI  stressed  the importance of electric mobility and more  and  safer  cycling infrastructures.

Manifestation against Market Economy Status to China

Brussels – February 15, 2016 On February 15th, a manifestation  against  Market Economy  to  China  –  MES  –  took place  in  Brussels  thanks  to  the organisation  by  EUROFER  –  the European  Steel  Industry association.  CONEBI  and  EBMA  representing  the  EU  Bicycle Industry  –  attended  the manifestation  together  with  the representatives  of  other  EU Industry  sectors […]

CONEBI Vice President Mr Büchel in EY Exceptional Magazine

Fulda – February 2016 Mr. Erhard Büchel is featured in the latest Ernst & Young ‘Exceptional’  Magazine,  where  he talks about the drivers of growth of his vehicle and bicycle component company.  He  explains  how  they outsourced part of the company in the  70s  and  reshored  part  of  the production back to his hometown in Germany in the 90s.

CONEBI at the informal Council Meeting in Luxembourg with the EU Transport Ministers

Luxembourg – October 7, 2015  CONEBI has been invited during the Luxembourg Presidency of the Council of the European Union at the Informal Council Meeting of EU Transport Ministers to speak about Green Jobs and Investments in the EU Bicycle Industry and the contribution of the Cycling Economy to Growth in Europe. The EU Transport Ministers […]

Interview with Euronews!

Schweinfurt – July 11, 2015 The Confederation of the European Bicycle Industry has been interviewed by the worldwide famous Euronews together with the German group Winora. Topic of the interview: the EU Bicycle Industry as a remarkable example of a sector that has put major efforts in Research&Innovation activities. You can download the interview at the following link: