Towards the decarbonisation of transport: A European Strategy for Low-Emission Mobility

Brussels – July 20, 2016 On July 20th, the European Commission presented its ‘European Strategy for Low-Emission Mobility’. The strategy features ‘a package of measures to accelerate the transition to low- emissions in the Transport sector, following the EU’s goal set during the Paris Agreement and within the framework of the 2030 Agenda on Sustainable Development.The […]
MES to China and the Commission’s position on the future anti-dumping methodology

Brussels – July 20, 2016 European Commission’s Vice President Katainen and Commissioner for Trade Malmström announced after the Commission’s orientation debate on 20thJuly that the EU will not grant China MES – and would apply a new non-standard methodology for dealing with anti-dumping calculations for imports from China: the new Anti-Dumping methodology will not be […]
Cycling Forum Europe

Brussels – June 22, 2016 On 22nd June, the European Cyclists’ Federation (ECF) organised a breakfast meeting in the context of the ‘Cycling Forum Europe’, a platform where Members of the European Parliament and other stakeholders could meet to prepare the ground for the future EU Cycling Strategy. The Luxembourg Declaration on Cycling, which was adopted by the EU […]
CONEBI at the Eight Environment for Europe Ministerial Conference

Batumi – June 8, 2016 Member States in the pan-European region have agreed to green their economies by implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development: in this framework Cycling provides an integrated solution that has a positive impact on Health and Environment while enhancing economic progress and creating Green Jobs. For that reason CONEBI has […]

Vienna – May 25, 2016 CONEBI welcomes ABIMOTA as the new member of the association. The association representing the Bicycle, Motorcycle and Two-Wheelers accessories’ Industries in Portugal becomes CONEBI’s 15th National Member: an important news as Portugal represents an important reality for the Bicycle Industry in Europe and has just launched the “Portugal Bike Value Initiative”.
Moving Cycling Forward

Brussels – May 17, 2016 The EPRS – European Parliamentary Research Service – has published ‘Moving Cycling Forward – A coordinated approach to cycling for local and regional authorities in the EU’: the analysis presents an overview of the current state of cycling mobility in the European Union and of the benefits deriving from cycling […]
The European Parliament says ‘No MES to China’

Brussels – May 12, 2016 A group of 70 Members of the European Parliament, led by Edouard Martin, David Borrelli and Emmanuel Maurel, launched a stakeholders consultation on 15th March on whether Market Economy Status (MES) should be granted or not to China: results have been recently published and show that out of 6,000 responses, 91% is against granting MES […]
EU Roadmap for Cycling: stakeholder consultation at the Committee of the Regions

Brussels – April 26, 2016 On April 26th the Committee of the Regions (CoR) organised a stakeholder consultation on ‘An EU Roadmap for Cycling’. Specifically, the Commission for Territorial Cohesion Policy and EU Funds (COTER) is currently drafting an opinion on the topic: the debate was led by Rapporteur Mr. Kevin Peel – Councillor of Manchester City […]
Electro-Mobility Platform launched

Brussels – April 20, 2016 On April 20th the electro-mobility platform was launched in Brussels. Director General for Mobility and Transport at the European Commission Mr. Hololei stressed in his speech that electrification of transport will be key for decarbonisation and will contribute to Green jobs and Growth in Europe. The platform identified several EU-level actions […]
Inauguration of a wind tunnel at Flanders’ Bike Valley

Beringen – April 1, 2016 On April 1st, a wind tunnel was inaugurated in Beringen (Belgium) in the context of the Flanders’ Bike Valley. The wind tunnel has been designed specifically for cyclists and the Cycling Industry, where aerodynamic drag and turbulence can be measured for manufacturers, product developers and athletes. Flanders’ Bike Valley was […]