Who we are
CONEBI is the result of the merger that took place on 19 November 2014 between COLIPED (the Association of the European Two-Wheeler Parts’ and Accessories’ Industry) – established in 1960 – and COLIBI (the Association of the European Bicycle and e-Bike Industry) – established in 1973.
CONEBI combines the efforts that have been efficiently deployed by COLIPED and COLIBI all over the past decades in representing comprehensively its members’ interests at European and International level: its current mandate is to continue to be part of the regulatory and policy consultation fora of the European Commission, European Parliament, European Council and the European Economic and Social Committee as well as to keep on cooperating with other organizations that share common values or advocacy objectives.
CONEBI is a founding member of the World Bicycle Industry Association WBIA, the Industry4Europe coalition and the EU CCAM Partnership.
and its institutional network in a nutshell





Our work
and identity
- Revision of the EU Machinery Directive;
- Revision of the EU Motor Insurance Directive;
- Revision of the EU Batteries legislation,
- Impact assessment in view of the revision of the EU Regulation on Approval and Market Surveillance of two, three-wheel vehicles and quadricycles;
- Revision of the EU Intelligent Transport Systems Directive;
- Development of the EU Smart and Sustainable Mobility Strategy (within the EU Green Deal initiative and together with other EU organizations like Cycling Industries Europe and the European Cyclists’ Federation);
- involved in the European Standardization process carried out by CEN and the international one by ISO via its national industry associations;
- an official stakeholder of the European Commission’s Single Platform on Cooperative, Connected and Autonomous Mobility (CCAM) in order to work with all the EU organizations in the Mobility landscape on the future of Safe and Smart Cycling.
- a founding member of the World Bicycle Industry WBIA;
- involved in the consultative process of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (via WBIA – on global vehicle regulations and road traffic safety policies) as well as of the International Transport Forum (ITF);
- participating as a stakeholder in the Transport, Health and Environment Pan-European Programme organised by the United Nations and the World Health Organization;
CONEBI is officially registered in the EU transparency system, which allows for a direct representation of the Bicycle, E-Bike, Parts & Accessories Industries sector before all EU authorities, in compliance with the EU law-making and policy implementation process. Indeed, institutional meetings can only take place if interest representatives are registered.
The growing impact of the European legislation on the Industry requires a steady presence in Brussels to maximize the association’s advocacy actions, which – moreover – are often coordinated with partner organizations that share same values or objectives (like the European Cyclists’ Federation, Cycling Industries Europe, Union Cycliste Internationale and many others, even beyond the Cycling framework).
Data is key: used by CONEBI to address the EU and International institutions, generalist or sectoral media, presented during conferences and panel discussions or shared with companies to support their analysis of EU Market and Industry trends, data collection has become central in the whole range of CONEBI’s activities.
In today’s world, information is more publicly available than ever before, and this is mainly due to the development of the Internet: in such a context, information that is sufficiently specific, validated and properly presented to be of valuable use requires nevertheless a specialist market intelligence provider.
If you want to know more about this, have a look at the CONEBI’s page ‘’Industry & Market Reports’’.
Within its intelligence-gathering tasks, CONEBI monitors the existence of EU and International studies that are linked to Cycling and the Bicycle Industry. CONEBI prepares as well EU-wide overviews on specific topics that encompass either legislative and non-legislative subjects via the input of its national member associations.
CONEBI is involved as well – via the World Bicycle Industry Association WBIA – in the Working Party on Transport Trends and Economics of the United Nations, a pan-European forum for exchange of ideas and information about the progress andchallenges concerning the development of sustainable transport, including climate change impacts and adaptation for transport networks, good practices and innovative solutions in financing transport infrastructure.
The global business environment has become more dynamic than ever and the sectoral challenges related to growth, predictability, change, relevance, standardization and strategy are on the CONEBI’s agenda.
CONEBI is an industry platform where national member associations and companies get together and connect. They can also participate in the working groups and cooperate on the development of a wide range of standpoints for the overall sector competitiveness before the regulatory authorities, on a precompetitive level and strictly following EU competition and antitrust rules.
CONEBI inherits from COLIPED the organization of the yearly joint European booth at the Taipei Cycle Show.
Participating for the first time in the TCS in 1993, COLIPED organized 26 joint European booths at the Show, becoming all over the years the biggest exhibitor. Everyone is cordially invited to visit our exhibitors and to drop in on the CONEBI information booth for a chat and a coffee.
Why a joint booth?
To take away the burden of the practical organisation of a participation in an international show. The joint booth promotes European companies and their products. It has grown into an outstanding meeting and trading place for its exhibitors, their clients, visitors and journalists.
Which services does CONEBI offer?
- booth surface rental
- booth construction
- booth outfit (furniture, logos, carpet, spotlight, plants)
- insertion of the participants information in the show catalogue
- an interpreter, who can assist the participating exhibitors during the show
- general assistance before and during the show
At the European pavilion, CONEBI also runs its own information booth at which our exhibitors and their customers can enjoy a coffee or soft drink. In short, the participating companies only have to deal with the timely shipment of their exhibits and their own travel arrangements.
For more info on conditions and participation fees, do not hesitate to get in contact with the CONEBI Secretariat
CONEBI is composed of members corresponding to the Bicycle Industry associations at national level and has a Board of Directors consisting of four representatives from the Industry and a treasurer from the national member associations. The secretariat is in charge of the daily operations.
CONEBI’s members are the national associations of the Bicycle, E-Bike and Parts & Accessories Industries. Moreover, CONEBI has a Board of Directors consisting of five representatives from the Industry and a treasurer from the national member associations. The CONEBI secretariat is in charge of the daily operations.
BOARD OF Directors

massimo panzeri
CEO of Atala Spa

bayram akgul
Board Member
Owner at Salcano

Ben Kao
Board Member
General Legal Counsel & Chief Legal Officer at Giant Manufacturing Hungary

Board Member
CEO of Polisport

Board Member
Bikes Components Purchase Leader at Decathlon

Board Member
Section Manager Bicycles at RAI Association

Volker Thiemann
Board Member
Managing Director at Velo de Ville


Associação Nacional das Indústrias de Duas Rodas, Ferragens, Mobiliário e Afins

Hellenic Bicycle Manufacturers Association